



Orijin organic hemp

8 reasons to consume hemp foods

Hemp foods are joyfully growing in the fields of Quebec. They are on everyone’s lips and are joyfully welcomed onto our plates. Why? Quite simply because there are multiple benefits of this amazing and impressive plant. Here are some of them.

| Hemp oil |
superfood and beauty product

Reason 1 — It is a balanced source of omegas 3 and 6; they are well adapted for supplementing a vegetarian diet. It is, moreover, one of the oils containing the least saturated fats.

Reason 2 — Its consumption helps to protect the cardiovascular system by lowering the level of bad cholesterol.

Reason 3 — Some also attribute it with anti-stress properties and its consumption is highly .

Reason 4 — Its linoleic acid content helps slow down the ageing process and also encourages healthy skin.

The recommended quantity? A single tablespoon provides more than 80% of the recommended daily omega intake. The oil must invariably be consumed raw, because it does not tolerate heat. Its characteristic taste is both subtle and distinct: a slight note of almond or hazelnut.

It can be poured over your salads, vegetables, rice or pasta.

Psst! In order to get the most out of it, preference should be given to oil extracted from the cold pressing of whole organic hemp seeds.

| Hemp seeds |
that can be sprinkled to your heart’s content

Reason 1 — They are rich in whole protein and contain essential amino acids, including histidine, isoleucine, leucine and lysine. They can therefore replace meat for vegetarians or vegans. They can therefore replace meat for vegetarians or vegans.

Reason 2 — They contain a variety of minerals, micro-nutrients and vitamins : magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper and zinc, and B-group vitamins.

Reason 3 — Just like oil, they have a perfectly balanced ratio of fatty acids (omegas 3 and 6). Hemp seeds are therefore beneficial for the health of your heart and arteries. 30 g of hemp seeds contains as many, if not more, omegas than a fish fillet or fish oil capsule. And all without the risk of exposure to heavy metals.

Reason 4 — They are a source of insoluble fibre. This type of fibre is very digestible. As a result, they facilitate good digestion and a healthy transit time.

They can be sprinkled to your heart’s content over your cereals, smoothies, salads and sweet or savoury dishes.

*Note that hemp foods are free of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and therefore have no psychotropic effect.
Stay tuned for our next blog post about hemp flour!